About Us

Who We Are
The Christian Campus House is a church for Ball State students. CCH hosts a number of events and offers our facility as a hangout spot for students. You can also catch us encouraging students on campus and serving out in the community.
The Christian Campus House is part of the Christian Student Foundation. CSF is registered with the Ball State University Office of Student Life. CSF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered with the State of Indiana.​
The Christian Student Foundation is funded by Christian Church and Church of Christ congregations throughout Indiana and individuals throughout the United States.​
CSF is a member of the Association of College Ministries.

Our Beliefs
God the Father created the heavens, the earth and all living things.​
Each person has sinned, but forgiveness and healing is available through faith in Jesus.
God loves all people and the world He made, sending Jesus to restore creation.
The Bible is the Word of God, the written authority for Christian faith.
Jesus is God's Son, the risen Lord and our Savior.
The Church is the body of Christ. Christians are placed in the Church by the Holy Spirit for worship, witness and ministry.
The Holy Spirit is our guide and helper in living as followers of Jesus.
God will judge the living and the dead, the righteous into eternal life with God and the unrighteous into eternal punishment.